Company name or business name: Girafab
Tel: (+232) 76 780 528
The website is published by the company Girafab, with its head office located at 19 Samuel‘s Lane, Kissy, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
This website is hosted by: OVH Inc. with its head office located at 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.
We only collect information that is necessary for providing our services to you particularly the form. This includes personal information like your name, email address and phone number.
We use media and images from various sources to enhance our website’s content and user experience. Some of the images and graphics on this website are sourced from Pixabay, a platform that provides free-to-use images and videos under their own privacy policy. Please note that Pixabay does not require attribution for these images, but we acknowledge their contribution and recommend reviewing their terms of service for further details.